Create. Attract. Filter. Screen. Hire.

Multi-channel job posting. High quality applicants.

The world's leading hospitality and retail recruitment tool, that works for you.

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What We Do

Cut your time-to-hire process by 50%


Create, customise, and post your job vacancy across multiple channels. From leading job boards to the most popular social media platforms.


Turn your 100s of applicants into a filtered, pre-qualified list in a matter of seconds. Gain access to pre-screening tools to help you find quality employees.


Take the admin out of your recruitment process with an end-to-end solution that is simple, detailed, and useful, supporting you every step of the way.


Putting Automation into your Recruitment Process

Jobdeck takes the recruitment process and automates it with AI. From getting candidates into the top of the funnel to managing them through a process, Jobdeck does it all.

New Vacancy Job Description & Job Advert Candidate Assessment Interview Process Active Search Candidate Shortlist Management Briefing Communication Hub 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


One-click your way through Recruitment

  • One Click Hiring

    Simple, automated, and intuitive interface to streamline your recruitment

  • One Click Communication

    Instant messaging capabilities integrated with your email, so you can have a seamless conversation in one centralised platform

  • One Click Media and Marketing

    AI generated media and marketing, from job descriptions to job advertisements and showcases

  • One Click Analytics and Reporting

    Understand you and your teams performance in a centralised dashboard, so you can ensure consistent and high-level performance

  • One Click Assessment

    A system that puts you a step ahead by analysing your CVs to your role, ensuring you speak with the best candidates


Automating Recruitment Workflows in a few simple clicks

Our SaaS solution uses AI to remove the time consuming tasks of marketing, sourcing, screening, and communicating so you can spend more time speaking with quality candidates and hiring managers.

GenerateMedia AIGuidance CVMatching CentralisedComms EmployerPortals CandidatePortals InterviewScheduling Notifications Self-ServeSupport

Generate Media
Use AI to speed up the front-end of your process with our auto-generated media and marketing linked to your Jobdeck database. Give candidates a seamless application experience through your bespoke media.

AI Guidance
Our advanced AI assistant shares recommendations on the candidates in your pipeline so you can make educated decisions and ensure you make quality hiring decisions.

CV Matching
Our AI CV matching algorithm analyses the candidates skills and employment experiences against billions of learned data-points. It then quantifies this to help you get a snapshot of a candidates match to your job.

Centralised Comms
Instant messaging in a centralised communication hub that is integrated with your email so you achieve better engagement and responsiveness from candidates.

Employer Portals
Stay connected to the vacancies you have live and understand how they are performing and identify high performers in your business.

Candidate Portals
Showcase your employer brand to get increased engagement and enhance the attraction of your brand. Enable candidates to feel part of the process and have a better experience.

Interview Scheduling
Keep your recruitment process moving seamlessly by inviting relevant stakeholders to review and progress candidates you have put forward in one click.

Don’t miss a single activity with our real-time notification system. Keep track of how candidates and stakeholders are engaging with your process and know exactly when to follow-up to keep momentum in your process.

Self-Serve Support
You’ll always have access to one of our Jobdeck Experts but we know you want the power to save time by self-serving your questions. Get access to our knowledge Hub where you can keep things moving at your own pace.


What our users say:


Senior Leader, TIC Organisation

"Now I use Jobdeck I can recruit more efficiently and effectively. It’s a clean, intuitive platform that helps me engage candidates in the process and maintain a seamless process."


Director, Opta Search

“Using Jobdeck means I can take on more roles and bring in extra revenue for free. Roles I would normally ignore now make up a big percentage of my fees; meaning I can provide a better service to clients.”


Founder, Packaging Recruitment Specialist

“I advertised a role through Jobdeck and had 100+ applicants in 3 hours; 24 hours later I had over 400. Not only did using Jobdeck attract more candidates but it filtered through them in seconds and I delivered a shortlist the next day.”

Top Five CV Matching Technologies Available

Are you a recruiter or talent acquisition professional looking to streamline your candidate selection process? CV matching technologies can be a game-changer when it comes to finding the right talent efficiently. In this guide...

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AI Tools You Need to be Using Now

In the fast-paced world of recruitment, staying ahead of the curve is essential. With the rapid advancements in technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have become indispensable for modern recruiters. These tools...

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Improving Candidate Engagement

If you're a recruiter or talent acquisition professional looking to enhance the candidate experience and improve engagement during the recruitment process, you're in the right place. Candidate engagement...

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